Leediküla Children's Furniture is a small family business in Läänemaa that crafts solid wood items primarily for the littlest members of the family. The father, Arno, describes his journey to children's furniture as follows:
Hello. My name is Arno. I have enjoyed woodworking since I was very young. I spent every summer in the countryside with my grandparents, and although it was my grandfather who taught me to hammer nails and plane wood, it's my grandmother's words that have stuck with me from that time. "That boy will become a woodworker!" and "What are you doing in that dark shed? It's beautiful weather outside!" But in the dark shed were my grandfather's tools and woodworking bench. Here in the picture, I'm sitting behind the wheel of my first car, which I had cobbled together myself at the age of ten.

In addition to the woodworking bug, I also caught the farming bug as a child. My grandfather often told stories from the time of the previous republic and how his great-grandfather came to live on this farm in 1870 and earned this farmstead through hard work. Most of it, of course, was destroyed through the twists of history. But the idea formed in my head that I would come to live here someday and restore everything that once was. That moment came in 2011 when I moved here to what was then an empty farm. I tried to make ends meet by crafting wooden handmade items, and it wasn't easy at first. Making toys and vehicles for myself as a little boy was one thing, but making something that someone else would want to buy was another. Every weekend I went to some market to sell my products, while at the same time acquiring new tools and trying to learn new skills through the internet. I had a huge passion for hand tools, and so most of what I made back then was done without power tools, using only muscle power. My hands were constantly calloused, and I learned many skills on my own that are practically lost today, such as sharpening saws or setting up planes. A significant moment for me was in 2023 when I completed my first woodworking bench. This bench still serves me today and will probably be used by my children and grandchildren as well.
I came to children's furniture in 2020. I had just become a father, and a friend asked me to make a Pikler triangle for his child. And so the snowball started rolling. I began to enjoy it, especially designing my own creations. Every one of our products originated from solving a problem. For example, the foldable play arch came about because we were traveling to Saaremaa with the family, and the play arch for our first child was cumbersome to take along (also, I saw ads where it said the arch didn't fit in a parcel locker). What makes Leediküla products special is my very strong background in craftsmanship because our products are not designed for mass production but are based on traditional woodworking skills. To date, I have personally crafted a little over 200 Piklers, 60 tower stools, and 20 play arches.

Kalasabatapp OÜ
Tõnise talu 90813 Leediküla
Eesti, EU

Telefon: +372 5345 3165
E-mail: info@leedikula.ee